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 League Management Options

Forming your own LOTD League is an excellent way to play Football Luck of the Draw on-line with a group of friends and family, no matter where they live. The key is establishing a particular day of the week and time that works for all of the league members. Remember, you have total control of the league roster and schedule.

Instructions: The person who sets up the league is called the "League Commissioner" or LC. The LC is responsible for scheduling the games, setting game play options, and fulfilling the responsibilities of being the Game Administrator. Begin your league by clicking on "Set up a New League".

View or Manage a League

Set up a New League

Schedule a League Game *

Set Game Options for a New League Game **

* Scheduling/Setting up a League Game is a 2-step mandatory process.
Step 1: Setting the Game Roster.
Step 2: Setting Game Options.

** This link is provided so that Step 2 can be completed anytime 
 before players "Check In" to the game. You can also use it to
override any of the options selected when the League as set-up.

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Playing a few preseason games is a great way to prepare before diving into your league schedule. For just a few bucks each, you can get a group together OR join any game with an open roster spot as a free agent. ...more

Ready to get serious? Get your buddies together and form a LOTD league! The competition enhances the fun over a full season and our pricing will save you money! ...more

It helps to know the rules before you begin. Spend a few minutes looking over the official rules for Football Luck of the Draw. ...more