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 LOTD Terminology

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As you visit the various areas of this site, you will come across some terminology and abbreviations that will be unfamiliar. Therefore, we have listed some of the more unique LOTD Terminology (in alphabetical order) and provided definitions / descriptions for each to serve as a valuable reference tool.

  • Audible – This is called by the Quarterback for a particular play of the drive in which each player guesses if the live play will be a run or pass.

  • Free Agent – This is a player who joins an existing LOTD game session remotely (separate internet connection) and most likely does not know the GA / other players on the roster. A Free Agent cannot be a GA.

  • Game Administrator – The abbreviation GA is used to refer to a player serving in this capacity. This is the player who elects to create an individual game session and must fulfill certain unique responsibilities such as creating the initial game roster, selecting the game play options, accessing penalties and making scoring edits.

  • Game Parameters – These are game session rules that are established at the LOTD Game ID level by the GA. This involves establishing if Free Agents are allowed to join the game session.

  • Game Roster Sheet – This is initially completed by the GA. It lists each player’s name; e-mail address (User ID), playing location (local vs. remote), player category (roster vs. free agent) and payment category (administrator vs. player).

  • League Commissioner – The abbreviation LC is used to refer to a player serving in this capacity. This is the player who elects to set-up a new league and must fulfill certain unique responsibilities such as creating the league roster, establishing the league schedule and selecting the league game play options. The LC must serve as the Game Administrator for all league games.

  • Local Player – This is a player who is sharing the same internet connection with the GA / LC while playing the game on-line.

  • "Loner" Bonus Point (Audible) – This bonus point is awarded to a player when they are the only one who made the correct audible selection. Thus, the player receives a total of 4 audible points for that drive rather than the normal 3 points. However, this bonus point is only applicable in games involving 4 or more players.

  • Quarterback – The abbreviation QB is used to refer to a player serving in this capacity. This is the name used for the player who must assume additional responsibilities during a given drive, such as the electronic dealing of the game cards, awarding the game card points and choosing if and when the audible is called. This player is excluded from the trading of game cards. Each player takes their turn serving as the QB on a rotating basis.

  • Remote Player – This is a player who is playing the game on-line using their own separate internet connection.

  • Rostered Player – This is a player who is placed on a league or game roster by the LC or GA. This player only needs to check-in when they are ready to play the game.

  • Scoring Events – These are live game action events that trigger the awarding of game card points to the lucky game card holder. For example, when the live game action results in a rushing TD, the "RTD" game card holder is awarded 6 points by the player serving as the QB.

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